

Promotional Work Food Intolerance Testing Bespoke Health and Wellbeing Programmes

Promotional Work

Promoting exercise, happiness and cleaner environment in the media, online, papers, television, radio and even live gigs.


Food Intolerance Testing

Debbie is also offering Food Intolerance Testing.


Debbie Uses a Di Etx Machine and was trained by Fiona Gibson at Ask Nutrition.


Our simple, painless food intolerance test is able to pin point potentially harmful foods that could be causing your symptoms. I am able to offer you advice on a sensible elimination diet, as well as a vitamin and mineral check which is also provided alongside basic nutritional counselling.


What does a test involve?


Over 120 substances which include common foods and drinks are tested during our consultation, plus vitamins and minerals deficiency.


The equipment I use is an electronic machine, which works on a physics principle which measures the body's resistance to the aforementioned substances. If a substance is causing a problem then it will effect the body's measured energy resistance. The test is completely painless and is best described as a ball point pen touching the tip of your finger on an acupuncture point.


How long does it take?


A consultation will take approximately 1 hour 25 minutes and the results are instantaneous.


How much does it cost?


£55.00 per session.


Who can be tested?


This test is suitable for anyone other than those with a pacemaker and any aged child, subject to them being on solid foods. If you are taking prescribed medication this will not interfere with the test.


How many tests will I need?


This is dependent on the individual, but I tend to find that only one test is necessary. It is generally advisable, however, that at least one follow-up appointment is made to revisit a month after the test, to monitor progress whilst carrying out any eliminations of food from your diet.


Will I have to avoid certain foods forever?


This will depend on whether your body can tolerate the food once it has been reintroduced into your diet, after an initial four week programme. In some circumstances this four week period will have to be extended if, for example, the body's immune and digestive systems need additional support to eradicate the underlying problem.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Bespoke Health and Wellbeing Programmes

"Clean Body, Clean Mind, Clean Energy -To climb a mountain, you have to take the first step" DebbieDetox


Specialising in Obesity and Weight loss with Bespoke Management Programmes.


Programmes will include Consultation and Aftercare Advice


Further Bespoke Programmes may include Personal training, Exercise to Music Sessions, Boxercise, Food Intolerance testing and these range between one off sessions to 6 month programmes ( 6 month programmes one session weekly typically costing around £790).


Please email Debbie on to find out more.